Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

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Course Material

Nuclear Chemistry: Chapter 21 in Openstax Chemistry.

Molecular Orbital Theory: Section 8.4 in Openstax Chemistry.

UV Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Info at EveryScience; more info than you want at Chemistry LibreTexts.

Shapes of d orbitals: "Understanding Quantum Theory of Electrons in Atoms" in section 6.3 of Openstax Chemistry

Symmetry: On Chemistry LibreTexts, sections 1-4.

Lattic Structures in Crystalline Solids: Section 10.6 in Openstax Chemistry.

Coordination Chemistry of Transition Metals: Section 19.2 in Openstax Chemistry.

Spectroscopic and Magnetic Properties of Coordination Compounds: Section 19.3 in Openstax Chemistry.

Supplementary Material

PowerPoint for Nuclear Chemistry (covered in Chapter 2)

Symmetry practice:  Symmetry @ Otterbein

Many examples of the structures of crystals.

Structures available from American Mineralogist.

Cyrstallography Open Database

An Excel 95 spreadsheet for reducing representations, from Wellesley College, MA.

Here is my lattice energy spreadsheet.

Data, such as ionization energies, electron affinities, atomization energies (under thermodynamic properties), and bond enthalpies (under Compounds) are available at

An Excel 97 spreadsheet for calculating enthalpies of formation of acid-base adducts using Drago-Wayland E, C and R-T parameters

Hückel MO calculator.

Last updated:  August 9, 2021